Cinnamon Fern
Type Perennial, fern
Hardy range 4A to 8B
Height 24" to 36" / 60cm to 90cm
Spread 18" to 24" / 45cm to 60cm
Growth rate Average
Form Upright or erect
Exposure Full shade to full sun
Persistence Deciduous
This plant tolerates occasional wetness. This plant will grow in moist to wet soil.Suitable soil is well-drained/loamy, sandy or clay. The pH preference is an acidic to neutral (less than 6.8 to 7.2) soil.
Leaf Color Green and yellow
This plant has attractive foliage.
Culture Notes
When new fronds appear, they show a cinnamon color. Plant in a loamy woodland soil, in some shade to mimic the natural environmentof a fern. Plants grow in swamps in their native habitat. This is essential in the southern portion of the hardiness range. Plants in the north can be placed in full sun. If planted in the sun, this fern will need a moist to wet soil. Leaves will die back in the winter all across its hardiness range. Cinnamon Fern can grow to twice its normal size when planted near the pond's edge, sometimes as much as twice the size it would grow in a normal garden