This plant will grow in moist soil.
Suitable soil is well-drained/loamy.
The pH preference is a neutral soil.
Leaf Color Green, variegated and yellow
This plant has attractive foliage.
Culture Notes
This variegated plant is an introduction from Blooms of Bressingham. 'Brise d'Anjou' is better known for its striking (but somewhat fragile) variegated, fern-like foliage than its violet-blue blossoms. Polemoniums prefer a cool, moist setting, in a well-drained soil. Plants suffer in hot, humid and wet conditions. Will continue to bloom well into the summer if weather conditions stay cool, and if spent flowers are removed. Division can be done in the spring or fall, and stem cuttings can be taken in the summer. Seed will germinate easily. The stems of 'Brise d'Anjou' are brittle. Occasionally, an all-green or all-white shoot my form on this plant; if so, remove that shoot.